
Baby Pictures Sitting Up Kansas City

Baby Pictures Sitting Up

Kansas City Baby Pictures Sitting Up Photos Outdoors Six Month Pics

One of the fun milestones in baby’s first year is Sitting Up and it is so fun to capture this in photos. For Baby Pictures Sitting Up I recommend you contact me when baby first starts sitting…and we will schedule for about a month after this, giving baby time to get steady and comfortable sitting! I would say this is typically between 7-8.5 months!

Kansas City Baby Pictures Sitting Up Photos Outdoors Six Month Pics
Kansas City Baby Pictures Sitting Up Photos Outdoors Six Month Pics

If you are wanting to capture many different outfits and looks for baby’s sitting up session I would recommend the Heirloom Session. With this session you can also include family! With the Heirloom session we can also shoot in the studio and out! You can find more about different sessions here.

Kansas City Baby Pictures Sitting Up Photos Indoors Studio Six Month Pics

So many cute things for the little guys to wear for photos. But remember to keep it simple so you can still see baby and he isn’t overwhelmed by his outfit!

Shop these looks by clicking on each piece. They are affiliate links and I may get a percentage of the sale if you decide to purchase.

Kansas City Baby Pictures Sitting Up Photos Indoors Studio Six Month Pics
Kansas City Baby Pictures Sitting Up Photos Indoors Studio Six Month Pics

Take Better Pictures Of Your Baby! Start here with this free guide!

How To Get The Right Camera Settings

For this session we had the whole family and what a gorgeous family it is! I love the colors and outfits mom picked out! She always does the best job!

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Janie and Jack Sale on Now
Family Pictures Outdoors What To Wear for Summer Pictures Brights Photos Kansas City

Find more sessions Here.

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    Melissa Rieke Photography

    Serving the Kansas City Area