Want To Save Your Life
Colon Cancer Awareness Month
March is Colon Cancer Awareness and I want you to save a life, maybe yours, SCREEN YOUR BUTT! Tomorrow is Dress in BLUE Day! I challenge you to A. Wear Blue…but more importantly B. SHARE Colon Cancer Awareness with someone. Share your story, share my story, tell someone how you ran across this morning that said she had a “Mass in her Ass”! You never know who’s life you my save.
Colon Cancer is the #2 leader of Cancer Deaths….NUMBER 2! While at the same time it is the most treatable if found early! The rate of Colon Cancer in younger people is growing widely…it is scary. Annual screenings aren’t suppose to start until you are 50…50! That is 15 years AFTER the age I was diagnosed at. 15 years! If I would have shrugged off my symptoms until I was 50 I would be dead…I would have never made 50! I shrugged off the symptoms for 2 years and I was already at Stage 3a when it was found!
I will post more about symptoms and screenings and chemo and how to be a friend this month. I shared my story from my LIVE on FB, below if you don’t want to read my LONG post here. I share so ONE person will listen to their body and get screened!