
Take Better Pictures Tips and Tricks

Take Better Pictures Indoors

Tips and Tricks

With just a few Tips and Tricks you can Take Better Pictures today!  Let me walk you thru a few things that will help get your better pictures indoors!


Take Better Pictures Indoors Tips Tricks Photography

Taking pictures indoors can be frustrating, but with a few simple tricks you can get beautiful images.

First of all, move toward a window that has indirect light.  Meaning the sun isn’t shining straight.  A north facing room will always have indirect, a west facing room will work in the morning hours, and a east facing room in the evening hours.

– Next, turn off all of the ambient lighting.  This will help to keep the color of the image consistent so the natural light isn’t competing with the artificial light.

Lastly if the room is well lit there is no reason to use flash so turn the flash off.  If you need the added light from the flash then redirect it to bounce off a wall instead of directed straight at the subject.  DIY TRICK:  Place a white note card over the flash and attach with a rubber band…this will redirect the flash away from subject.

Finding the light and knowing you can always use that spot will help to create beautiful pictures and create an easier flow for those “in the moment shots”.  


Take Better Pictures Indoors Tips Tricks Photography

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    Melissa Rieke Photography

    Serving the Kansas City Area